
27.10.2015 | Hints from the experts

Calculated load data

Sometimes, our collections of load data don’t contain precisely the information shooters are looking for. In such cases, it is possible submit a query using the contact form and receive a QuickLOAD calculation. We’ve been using this method since Reload Swiss was founded, and it’s delivered a lot of excellent starting points. A “perfect” query should contain the following information:

  • Calibre
  • Bullet manufacturer
  • Bullet type
  • Bullet weight
  • Barrel length
  • Preferred cartridge length L6

QuickLOAD calculations always start with the calibre selection. Then the bullet is selected. As QuickLOAD comprises an extensive data collection, there is a great chance that a calculation can be performed for the specified bullet. If the data collection does not contain that bullet, we always try to continue with the most similar bullets. Even analogous solutions sometimes generate extremely useful starting points. The barrel length is important for determining the propellant burnout. There is no point in recommending a highly progressive powder if the load is to be used in an extremely short barrel. Barrel lengths can be entered in inches or millimeters - QuickLOAD can handle both equally well. Specification of the preferred cartridge length allows the program to correctly calculate the available volume. Smaller volumes result in deeper starting loads, while larger volumes can contain somewhat more powder. If QuickLOAD should by chance not contain the preferred cartridge length, we calculate using the CIP standard length or a length that we consider suitable.

If you already know which RS powder you wish to use, we’re naturally happy to have this information as well. Entry of a valid email address, so that the answer can be sent to the right place, concludes the query. We make every effort to answer all inquiries to the best of our knowledge and belief, regardless of whether the information we receive is complete.

With kind regards,
Dominik Antenen

The perfect hit!
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